RISIS 4#Policymakers Session 9 July 2020 – Discussants By Posted July 16, 2020 In RISIS 4#Policymakers Session 9 July 2020 – Discussants2020-07-162020-07-16https://www.risis2.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/logo-risis-small-tagline-color.pngRISIS 2https://www.risis2.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/logo-risis-small-tagline-color.png200px200px Recent PostsAdvancing Innovation Analysis: FOSSR-RISIS Data Science School on Tools and Methods for Complex STI SystemsConstructing a genotypic product spaceRegional and sectorial variations in attractiveness of funding from the European Union’s Framework Programs: evidence of increasing divergenceThe value added of RISIS to study the economic and social change: A policy perspective