The CorText Geospatial Exploration Tool offers an original way, by combining in one unique tool a large variety of well-established sources of shapes. CorText Geospatial Exploration Tool is designed to work after CorText Geocoding service. It proposes base maps at four different scales (URA boundaries: for Urban and Rural Areas; UA boundaries: for Urban Area, is a subset extracted from the previous geographical layer, which includes only urban areas, to make it simpler (if needed); Regional boundaries, a worldwide layer for regional analysis; Country boundaries.


Geographical phenomena are by nature distributed. To deliver geographical coordinate to an address is one thing, but for the purpose of spatial analysis it is often necessary to aggregate geographical information, and associated data, on a more suitable scale. It is the case, for example, for analyzing inter-urban or regional spatial dynamics based on human activities. For this particular use, CorText Geospatial Exploration Services permits a series of integration of data and the navigation through maps in just 4 simple steps: log into CorText Manager; load a dataset and run a script; choose CorText Geocoding or Cortext Geospatial exploration scripts; navigate through your maps. RISIS CorText Geospatial Exploration Services is online on the Zenodo community space.