RISIS2 Project  like the RISIS CORE FACILITY (RCF), is organised around 3 major dimensions and activities:

1. A front end, focusing on users, the ways they access RISIS, work within RISIS and build RISIS user communities. At the core is the RISIS Core facility (WP4). The core facility supports virtual transnational access (WP8) and is accompanied by all the efforts we do to raise awareness, train researchers and interact with them (WP2) and to help them build active user communities (mobilising D4Science VRE, WP7).

2. A service layer that helps users organise problem based integration of RISIS datasets (with possibilities to complement with their own datasets) – this entails the data integration and analysis services (WP5) and methodological support for advanced quantitative methods (WP6).

3. A data layer that gathers the core RISIS datasets that we maintain (WP5) and enlarge (WP9), the datasets of interest for which we insure reliability and harmonisation for integration (WP4), and the new datasets that we develop and will progressively open (WP10).

This is complemented by transversal activities – management both operational (WP1) and strategic (WP3) supported by ethical reviews (WP11), communication and dissemination & exploitation activities (WP2).

The graph below provide an organizational and functional overview of the project.

The project duration is 4 years (2019/2022) and it is made of 10 work packages.

HERE the graph of the overall planning of the project.

For a full description of the project, click here: Grant Agreement RISIS

RISIS2 is a project under  HORIZON2020 Program

Project Duration: January 2019 − December 2022